*we fight for faith not to get God 100% for us, but because he already is 100% for us!
**Why do we want to be forgiven?**
*If Jesus is just a ticket to heaven, he is not honored.
* "I don't want to go to hell... hot!!" -piper :)
**Regressive sanctification**
*if you don't keep swimming against the current, you'll be pulled backwards.
*Psalm 42*
*We are in an unending conversation with ourselves -- this conversation has the most influence on our soul than anything else in every day life.
*talk to yourself. don't listen to yourself.
*god has not forgotten the psalmist. the psalmist has forgotten god.
*speak to your soul with the promises of god.
*talk to god - god is pleased when we come to him with his promises. he is eager to fulfill them. go to the throne and say, "do as you promised".
*Galatians 4:1-7*
*god's purpose did not conclude with redemption. it culminated into adoption.
*"to be right with God is great, but to be loved and cared for by God the Father is greater."
* am i more aware of justifying grace than of adopting grace?
*"the greatest sorrow and burden and unkindness you can do to the Father is to not believe that he loves you"
* I know that christ loves me because i love him. and there is no way that love was put there without him first loving me.
** Unless Your grace had called me
And taught my darkened mind
The world would have enthralled me
To Your glories I’d be blind
My heart knows none above You
For Your rich grace I thirst
I know that if I love You
You must have loved me first
Jesus, You have saved me
And taken all my sin, all my sins away
Jesus, You have called me
Before the world began, to glorify Your name**