Last night after saying goodbye to Brian :( Kelley and I decided to go to Elisha's bonfire. We hung out there until like 3am, sitting in the treehouse, talking around the fire, dancing around the fire, attempting to have a "courtship panel" ::panel fail:: etc. Then, the plan for today was to go to Kelley's farm and blow up the groundhog holes.
Today was rainy and humid and overall disgusting. But the plan was still a go. Elisha and I arrived and we had to go get Angel who had missed the house and was parked down the street a bit. So Kelley drove the 4-wheeler and Elisha and I side-saddled on the back thru the fields and stuff. When we were all there it was time to go out to find the holes. Elisha and I were on one 4wheeler and Angel and Kelley on the other, Angel was driving so we were going pretty slow :) (he'd never driven one before).
We drove around looking for holes, Elisha and I drove off down the field ourselves to look for some holes he remembered from before. We couldn't find any fresh ones so we came back to where Angel and Kelley were. They had found some holes so we parked the 4wheeler at a distance, along with the multiple containers of gas we'd brought along. The guys began to pour gas down 4 or 5 of the holes - there were tons. Then after the other 3 of us had backed away, Kelley threw a match down one hole, while standing in the middle of the other 3 holes. Immediately - KAAABOOOOMMM!!! A huge fireball explodes into the air with a blast from every hole while Kelley ducked in cover between the fire. The guys and I went running to get away from it but it was over as soon as it started except a lingering fire which we steered clear of in case it was going to explode more.
After we decided to not pour more gas down any of the holes for fear of it being attached to one of the other holes with fire still in it and blowing ourselves up - yes, we can be smart - we decided to move onto another colony of groundhog holes.

When we had first arrived out in the field, it was just starting to sprinkle and the clouds looked ominious, by this point, there was a stead rain falling and the thunder was clapping louder over our heads but the storm still wasn't quite there and we decided to stick it out a little longer.

Anyway, we get to the new colony and find about 4 holes which we pour gasoline in. The guys wanted me to throw the match in so I agreed reluctantly and told them if I died it was their fault. So I stood behind the hole so the fire wouldn't blow in my face and threw the match in.
It didn't make a KABOOM sound again but huge puffs of fire blew out of three of the holes, while dodging one of them I almost ran into another one. It was exhilerating. We then examined the holes to see what was happening in them and saw there was still a fire in one of them. So we decided to stomp it out with dirt and keep going.

Then suddenly, the storm was right over us. We're in a field, which is the better option? Under a tree or in the middle of a field? Kelley and I felt safe since we were the shortest though :)
Thunder boomed above and lightening shot through the sky, and a downpour quickly soaked us. We ran to the 4wheelers and jumped on heading full speed for the house. Elisha and I got out faster than the other two so we're racing ahead, and the rain is coming down so hard we can't see anything and we're laughing about how insane we are when we realize Kelley went a different way up the field and we're like uh oh can we still go this way?? But we could, fortunately. As we kept going toward the house the rain got harder and heavier and I couldn't see a thing, hopefully Elisha could see better than I could since he was driving.

We pulled up to the house and leaped off the 4wheelers and ran for cover. We were all completely and utterly soaked. All we could do was laugh at ourselves and how crazy we were but how much fun it was. Mrs A took a picture of us before we trudged through the house with our soppy clothes to change. What a relief it was to put on some dry clothes and curl up on the couch with hot chocolate and watch The Patriot. Aahh Mel Gibson :D
Crazy day with crazy friends = perfect memory.