Thursday, February 21, 2008

Life in the fast lane

So I'm off work today... which is very nice. I never really get a day off unless I have something else to do. But today I couldn't go in because of a training class being held in the office.

I realized lately how busy my life is. Who would have thought life would be so busy when I'm only taking 2 classes. My life right now consists of going to work - as much as possible, which usually ends up to be between 20-30 hours a week depending on whats going on. I def need to be getting more hours in, just money-wise though. There really isn't a whole lot to do (but don't tell Joe that). :-P

On Monday and Wednesday nights I have classes. I'm taking Intro to Special Ed - which is interesting, except kinda boring. The prof is funny, but his lectures are a bit too dramatic. When he talks he turns it all into a dramatic story, and its kinda annoying. But either way, we are learning some interesting stuff - we just started working on disorders that students have. My other class is the one I need for my major - Spanish 201. I love the people in this class, we have fun, but the teacher is extreme. She talks very loudly and doesn't really teach - just has us repeat words without explaining what they mean. But we still have fun, I just don't really feel ready for that class.

Outside of school and work I have found myself to be pretty busy as well. I pick Aidan up from daycare 3 days a week, and either take her home or babysit her for awhile before taking her home. She is so sweet, I love watching her. I also just started helping Charity get the puppet team back up and running at church. This is pretty exciting to get this going again and think about what we're going to do.

I'm also applying to schools right now to try and figure out where I want to transfer to next fall. I've applied to a bunch of schools, but I don't know which one I'd like to pick. So far I've been accepted to all that I've completely applied to. There are two I haven't sent everything in to yet. I'm hoping the school I'm supposed to go to will be made very clear to me, as I don't particularly have a preference, but I would like to go to one that isn't extremely expensive, possibly close by, although I would love to go away and live in a dorm. But it will all be made clear eventually.

My caregroup also keeps me busy. I love my caregroup so much, they are my closest friends (along with Ashley), and we have so much fun together. This weekend we're having a square dance for the whole singles ministry. It should be fun, probably kind of awkward though.

Anyway, life is good. I'm busy, I have friends who care for me no matter what, and I'm looking ahead to the future with excitement. Hopefully I'll be posting on here more often.

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