Thursday, August 28, 2008

.scarlet fever.

So guess what? I have contracted scarlet fever... which Erin and I find quite hilarious. Seriously, of all things, why the disease that killed famous literary characters and our made up families when we played oregon trail? It's quite amusing to have a disease us kids thought didn't exist anymore.

However it has allowed us to dig into our depths of knowledge from books read in our past and remember who all died from this disease... well, wikipedia allows us to forget some old stuff because we can always look it up later.

Here we have Mary Ingalls,
who got scarlet fever and was blind as a result.

Then there is Beth from Little Women, who got scarlet fever which turned into rheumatic fever and then died.

Then who can forget the sad story of the Velveteen Rabbit??

And other notables:
by Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley - Victor Frankenstein's adoptive sister Elizabeth contracts scarlet fever and recovers. But Victor's mother, who contracts the scarlet fever from Elizabeth, dies.

The Witch of Blackbird Pond
by Elizabeth George Spears - A young girl from Barbados is accused of giving scarlet fever to her cousins by using witchcraft.

Anna Jones, mother of the young Henry 'Indiana' Jones died of Scarlet Fever during the year of 1912.

Well that was fun. And as much as I'm laughing, I'm hoping to get better soon - school just started yesterday and I'm already out sick! Not cool.

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