Thursday, December 11, 2008

a profile of a domestic abuser

.a family member/partner who tries to physically or psychologically (mentally, spiritually, emotionally) dominate another.
.behind their charming wit and flattery are lies and manipulation.
many men can be like this without actually physically abusing a woman. they charm you into being their friend, get to know your ins and outs, they jerk you around and treat you like dirt but charm their way out of it and use manipulative words to put it back on you - like it's your fault they are jerks. they take advantage of you and run. but when they come back they use their flattery and charm to back. they domineer you, causing you to feel inferior and fear ever leaving them. you lose all confidence in yourself.
don't allow yourself to stick with one of these guys simply because you think they are all like that, or it's your fault, or you can't find anyone better. you deserve better. he deserves hell.
get out. get out while you still can.

brought to you by a bored psych student.

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