My cousin Reid (22 yrs old) passed away on Saturday of pneumonia. For those of you who don't know, he had severe brain damage, cerebral palsy, was blind along with some other problems. He was a blessing to our family and to others who knew him and today at the memorial service I said the following,
When we were younger, a song we dubbed as Reid’s song went like this, “Peter and John went to pray, they met a young man on the way, he asked for alms and held out his palms and this is what Peter did say, 'Silver and gold have I none, but such as I have give I thee, in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth rise up and walk!' He went walking and leaping and praising God! Etc…”
Growing up, we used to pray for Reid’s healing almost every night before bed. We prayed for God to heal him and that one day he would just get up and walk. But God had better plans for Reid to impact people. He didn’t need to have a voice to preach or the capability to walk. Instead, God used Reid’s incapabilities to show others the love of God.
In this sad world we live in, kids like Reid aren’t always cared for, but the opposite happened with Reid. His family willingly took on the burden of caring for him. This meant diaper changes, milk pump feedings, rushing to the hospital, shaving his face, moving his heavy stiff body, late nights and early mornings and probably many other things I don’t even know about, the tasks only grew as he got older. I never once heard a complaint. I believe he brought their family closer as they accepted the situation and were grateful for him.
Reid was involved in every aspect of family life. He sat in the same room with us, moved to the dining room when we did, listened as we all yelled during football games, or sang songs or performed skits. I remember as a kid loving to climb up on his wheelchair when he wasn’t in it, thinking it was pretty cool. The younger kids even got to sit on his lap sometimes. We used to lay on his wedge with him sometimes too, he was always included. I remember Vicky opening his presents at every birthday and Christmas and reading him the cards and then letting him feel the present with his hands and putting it in his lap. I remember babysitting him and just sitting and holding his hand or rubbing his chest when he was upset, or turning on silly music with Erin for him to listen to and then running away giggling, leaving him to listen to whatever we had turned on – poor guy! One particular time I remember was at my graduation party, my friends and I were talking and laughing all over the family room and Reid was sitting right there with us included in the fun. I always appreciated how at events or church, people would greet him along with everyone else, he was never ignored.
My recent favorite memory was Reid’s 21st birthday. Many people dropped by as the night went on, unexpected friends old and new filled their home. The girls pulled out the camera and took tons of pictures of each other and we gathered around Reid and took pictures and made goofy faces. I remember laughing about how most guys would love to be surrounded by girls on their 21st birthday and he got just that! Even though we were his sisters and cousins. Us girls are big gigglers and he got a lot of that that night. It’s how he knew us since he couldn’t see us. He probably knew there was trouble when he heard the giggling starting up.
As we all know, Reid was special. God allowed Reid to live a long life. He made it through 22 years of life when he wasn't expected to live a few days, and when kids like him don't usually get through their teen years. God has been so good to Reid.
In Reid, I see a glimpse of heaven. Because by looking at him, and being with him, I get to long for the days when I get to talk with him, walk with him, and run with him around the pearly streets of heaven. In Reid, I see a day where there will be no more suffering, no more handicaps, no more hardship, no more tears. One day, we will be up in heaven, and Reid will be there too, and he will be talking to us, and we will be able to laugh and sing and talk of God's mercy. I cannot wait to spend eternity with him, marveling in the goodness of God. And I cannot wait to go "walking and leaping and praising God" with him!
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