first snow day

painting our red wall

my crazy roommates

and our guest housemate, fred.

once again, my crazy roommate.

carmen and i traveled to nyc

and saw Edi Gathegi (the guy on the left)

in nyc really late at night

pearl, my parents' new puppy

jean and i went to liberty u to visit kelly and cynth

in the tunnel that goes under the highway

blowing up groundhog holes at kelley's

photoshoot in west virginia

too much high school musical?

me as mike wazowski

rachel::british epic chest bump friend

hana:: british crazy dancing friend

hana and nicole, camp moms

jordan and i - the best camp moms EVER. (and the hottest)

michelle:my co-counselor. and our feelings about camp at the end.

aisle 5 at it's best

going trick or treating with a monster/witch/vampire named kelley

playing pranks on charity (and consequentially, lena)

aisle 5 realizes they're snowed in:

so we make the best of it

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