Tuesday, June 16, 2009


I've arrived at camp. This place is so gorgeous. Everything is lush and green and cool except the very middle of the day when the sun is right over top. Not a good time to run around outside. Actually I wore a hoodie most of the day. My kind of weather!!

Right now I'm in a bunk with a bunch of other staff, but we'll split up once the kids get here next Wednesday. I met my head counselor today, she is from England and totally awesome! She acts very british too... hilarious.

This week we're in orientation and on Friday (i think... I'm still not really sure what day is it) we may go to Boston. One girl I'm friends with is from that area and was like, eh I guess I'll go. I told her I feel the same way about people going to visit DC. Whyyy??

I'm learning to differentiate between British, Australian, New Zealand and South African accents. It's hard but I'm picking up on it and can notice differences. Some of the girls were joking about how they sounded Australian when really they were british and how they should put on a different county's accent every time they talk to someone new. I thought, they all sound the same to me and probably most other americans here. oh well. :-P they're still fun to listen to. Some girl just came up to me and asked my name in an Irish accent and then was like, I'm actually not Irish I'm just talking like that haha

We have flag raisings and someone wakes us up over a loudspeaker in the morning. But its not super loud like when my mom comes in and sings to me in the morning. Not cool.

Right now everyone is playing games in the staff lounge or watching tv or on computers. I'm probably gonna head to bed soon. I still haven't recovered from the lack of sleep before driving 13 hrs. Plus I'm so dehydrated right now so I just feel tired.

Tomorrow we're making a run to Walmart, which will be good. Already I'm realizing stuff I forgot! Sweatpants (how did i do that?!?!), laundry bag and I need a watch. A lot of girls do haha cuz we can't have our phones on us so we never know what time it is. Then the day after that the boys' camp staff from Lake Winnepasaukee is coming over for some social or dance I think.

Right now all I can think is I can't believe I'll be here for 2 months. Seems like forever now, but it'll probably pass quicker than I think it will. Especially once the kids arrive.

Anyway. I'm gonna go to bed and read for awhile or something.

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