So this picture is dark but I couldn't get out of bed to turn on the light because I was wired to the machine. The other night I did a sleep study to try and figure out why I'm sleeping so long and waking up exhausted. The doctor thought I may have sleep apnea - where one wakes up all throughout the night because they've stopped breathing for a period of time, but they never remember this happening because it only goes through their short term memory and never makes it to long term memory, so by morning its all been forgotten. ::takes a breath::
Anyhow... this visit to the doctor was fascinating because I told him I was a psych major and so he was going a little more in depth about things knowing I knew what he was talking about. Whenever I'd learned about sleep and sleep cycles in the past classes I've had I was always so intrigued. He talked to me about how he thinks I may have this thing called Delayed Sleep Phase Syndrome, which is caused by disassociating my bed with sleeping - my guess is this is from many late nights of talking online while sitting in my bed and then going to sleep late.
The way to fix this problem is to do behavioral therapy on myself by changing my routine. Picking a time to go to bed each night and a time to wake up each morning and never straying from that routine. So like he suggested going to bed at 12 every night and waking up at 8 every morning - something I haven't done yet what with hanging out with friends late at night. This will probably become an easier pattern once I'm at camp for the summer and will be waking up before 8 every morning to little girls in my cabin. :) Also, whenever I'm lying in bed and can't fall asleep, I need to get up, leave the room and do something else calm like reading, but no computer or tv or texting because the light that comes off of those can be so harsh that it wakes me up by turning off my melatonin - a chemical in the brain that makes you sleepy, usually set off by darkness. Also, getting out of the bed when I'm not tired will help reaassociate my bed with sleeping instead of laying awake. I also have to make sure I'm not sleeping during the day, even when I've missed sleep at night. I have failed at that this week because there were two nights where I got little to no sleep at all and couldn't keep my eyes open in the morning so I slept.
This therapy will take time to get into and I think will come a bit more naturally while at camp, which by the way I am so excited about - I leave a week from Monday!!
Anyway, this sleep study I did, it looks like I don't have sleep apnea after all, which is good. I didn't want to have to wear this mask thing when I sleep, blech. haha. But I don't think the study was a good representation of how I sleep since they stuck wires all over my face and in my hair (yuck) and had tubes around my nose to see when I was breathing and stuff. There's nothing like being rudely awakened at 5am and then having stickers ripped off your face while you're groggily coming to consciousness.
All this stuff fascinates me. Because I am a nerd. Oh wells. :)
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