Thursday, January 21, 2010

Is God Really In Control?


"If you stop and think about it, you will realize that most godly character traits can only be developed through adversity. God in His infinite wisdom knows exactly what adversity we need to grow more and more into the likeness of His Son."

"We are almost insatiable in our quest for the "why" of the adversity that come upon us. But this is a futile as well as an untrusting task. God's ways, being the ways of infinite wisdom, simply cannot be comprehended by our finite minds."

"God's wisdom is fathomless; His decisions are unsearchable; His methods are mysterious and untraceable. No one has ever even understood His mind, let alone advised Him on the proper course of action. How futile and even arrogant for us to seek to determine what God is doing in a particular event or circumstance. We simply cannot search out the reasons behind His decisions or trace out the ways by which He brings those decisions to pass.
If we are to experience peace in our souls in times of adversity, we must come to the place where we truly believe that God's ways are simply beyond us and stop asking Him "why" or even tying to determine it ourselves. This may seem like an intellectual "cop out", a refusal to deal with the really tough issues of life. In fact, it is just the opposite. It is a surrender to the truth about God and our cirumstances as it is revealed to us by God himself in His inspired Word."

Jerry Bridges

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